Friday, September 19, 2008

Feeling reamed

So on CNN they celebrated and acted relieved when the closing bell of the New York Stock Exchange went off and the dramatic losses of earlier this week had been regained. I couldn’t share their upbeat mood and had to turn off the television.

Something has been taken away from us this week. After eight years of watching our rights and freedoms disappear one by one, and this past year of seeing our wealth diminish as housing values plummeted, I’m used to it. But this week was the capper.

Now they’ve stolen an additional trillion dollars of our money. They’ve changed the laws so they won’t let us go bankrupt anymore. Wall Street bankers scamper away with severance packages in the millions.

I knew the final throes of the Bush years would be intense. But even I didn’t see this coming. To think there are still people who believe John McCain and Sarah Palin are agents of change and plan to vote for them makes me heartsick.

I have a lot of years under my belt and I’ve never quite felt so frightened about the outcome of an election.


Monday, September 1, 2008