Friday, May 30, 2008

Shock and awe comes to Indianapolis

A shocking article appeared in yesterday’s Indianapolis Star, detailing plans for turning the east side of the city into a “mock battlefield” for two weeks this summer. 2,300 Marines will be landing helicopters in parks, at an abandoned shopping mall, stadiums, and the State Fairgrounds.

“Our aim in Indianapolis is to expose our Marines to realistic scenarios and stresses posed by operating in an actual urban community, thereby increasing their proficiency in built-up areas,” Col. Mark J. Desens, commander of the 26th MEU, said in a statement. “Residents in many areas can expect to see helicopters flying overhead, military vehicles on the roads and Marines patrolling on foot,” Desens said.

The readers’ comments following the article were even more disturbing than the news itself. For every person who suggested that this is outrageous and a precursor for imposing martial law, there were at least five brain-dead commenters saying things like, “God Bless our Marines. Welcome to Indianapolis.”

Yes, welcome to Indianapolis. Welcome to soldiers patrolling our streets with machine guns to make sure we don’t get out of hand. With the economy in freefall, it’s only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose and the government cracks down. They’re getting ready. I wonder if their training will include house-to-house searches?


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