Friday, August 1, 2008

Beautiful light

When I saw the light falling on this BB King poster I got from Hatch Show Prints in Nshville I had to snap it. It is lying on a side table in my studio, in a pile of things I intend to deal with in some fashion. This one I would like to frame and place over the piano but that’s low priority.

Finished posting all our photos from Ireland here. Going through them brought the trip back to mind.

Since we’ve been back—a week now—I’ve only been to town twice: to the liquor store on Sunday and last night to see Mama Mia. It was the kind of movie we seldom gravitate to, but I loved Meryl Streep and the surreal color and fantasy of it. But not going to town has been a conscious decision, based on a desire to bask in summer in the woods by the lake. Taking a G&T and getting into the water on a floatie at the end of the day is sublime. I forget about the cares of the day as a gentle tide takes me out to the middle of the small lake. Sounds mostly of wildlife, hardly ever a car passing.

Our garden, such an ambitious undertaking, has had mixed results. Just as we left for Ireland the tomatoes began to ripen, and looked like they’d be abundant and big. Then some horrible caterpillars attacked the leaves of the plants and almost killed them. We did manage to can nine jars of dill pickles today from our cucumbers. But that was almost the entire crop to date. Lots to learn and I’m glad to be doing it. It is a great counterpoint to my mostly online, high-tech career.


1 comment:

DetroitGirl said...

Sounds like the life...ahhh I remember the tomato worms myself...the only organic way to get rid of them is to hand pick them early in the morning.