Friday, January 11, 2008

mikal is definitely not in philly

When I first began blogging, I had just moved from Indianapolis to a loft in Center City Philadelphia, so I used my locale as part of my blog’s name. Silly me. Why didn’t it occur to me, after having lived all over the U.S. that my chances of staying in Philly indefinitely were slim-to-none?

Three years ago we moved once again, this time to Carbondale, Illinois, and it was kind of a big adjustment to no longer be doing the big city thing. Yet I never got around to changing the name of the blog, because I had lots of posts and the comments indicated a handful of interested readers. I didn’t want to risk losing them. (In case you didn’t come here from there, you can read them here.

But posting to “mikalinphilly” seemed inauthentic somehow. So one of my New Year’s resolutions was to put it to rest. Welcome to infocloud. Anyway, this new title more accurately reflects the scattered and unpredictable nature of the things I write about.


1 comment:

DetroitGirl said...

It's me! I have thought about starting over, too, but was too lazy to figure out how to do it. Anyway, I guess once a "DetroitGirl" always one. Motown in my blood. This looks great!