Monday, February 25, 2008

The winter that just won’t go away

I’m the first to admit it: I suffer from SAD—seasonal affective disorder. No matter how I try to psych myself up for it, winter just pisses me off. The years I lived in California didn’t help much: I got used to things such as the crocuses blooming right after New Year’s Day. Now that I’m back in the Midwest, I find myself thinking, “there are places where they don’t put up with this shit.”

Winter has dragged on here in Southernmost Illinois this year. The weather reports say tomorrow is going to be 50 degrees, and the next morning you wake up to gray skies, more snow, maybe another ice storm, a drizzly rain, and the ground stays white. White with tired old snow, crusty, marred by yellow spots where the dogs have pissed, fallen branches—a truly dismal sight.

But I do take comfort in this. Maybe global warming isn’t as bad as we thought. There are those who say this means it’ll be OK.

I hope so.



stellth said...

I wish we had a winter!

I suffer from the shorter days... I suffer more when there isn't snow to reflect the moonlight.

Here in Philly we have had one snow... about 4 inches where I live about six a couple miles up the hill.

It's gray and rainy today and the temp is 46. We have had weeks where the temp has gone from a high of 22 degrees to 64 all in a matter of 72 hours. It keeps going this way every week.

I keep looking toward upsate NY or VT or Canada where winter is winter. Where you know its spring when the ice melts. Where I can put away my summer clothes until June.

I was wearing shorts last week.

Everyone I know is sick or has been sick. I'm working from home in my pj's fighting off a cold or something.

I hate this crap.

DetroitGirl said...

Get out your shovel and your snowpants, clear off some ice and skate your blues away...fa la la la la la la!